Menampilkan Department Name di Preview Other Payment
Langkah-langkah untuk menampilkan Department Name di Preview Other Payment adalah sbb :
- Klik menu Setup | Form Templates | Klik Payment | Double klik template yang digunakan;
- Klik Design as FRF;
- Klik Tab Page2 | Klik IBX 3 lalu tekan F11 pada Keyboard | Object Inspector = JVDet | Klik SQL;
- Tambahkan d.deptname sebelum from | Klik Tanda Centang (OK);
- Close tampilan designer tsb dan Save;
- Klik Designer;
- Klik kolom Department | Klik menu File | Data Dictionary…;
- Pada kolom Variables, klik folder Invoice Item | Values = DialogFormJVDet | Klik DEPTNAME | Lalu klik New Variable, variable1 rename menjadi Department Name | Ok;
- Double klik kolom Department | Klik Insert Expression | Variable… | Klik folder Invoice Item | Department Name | OK | Klik tombol Centang (OK);
- Klik tombol Close lalu save Other Payment tsb.
(Available for V4 & V5)
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